Historic Assistant District Commissioners Conference Held at National Headquarters

Feb 1, 2023News

On Sunday, January 29, 2023, a historic Assistant District Commissioners Conference was held at the National Headquarters for the first time. All 37 districts were represented by 185 ADCs who gathered to discuss the progress and future plans for the organization.

The Conference began with the flag hoisting ceremony, followed by the National Anthem and Religious observances. The morning session was devoted to a keynote address by Chief Commissioner Mr. Janaprith Fernando. He discussed in detail all activities carried out during 2022, which was a very impressive record.

The Deputy Chief Commissioner, Mr. M.F. S. Muheed, conducted a session on the present situation of the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan. The plan aims to achieve a membership growth of 108,500 by the end of 2023 from the current membership of 77,000. National Training Commissioner Mr. Gamini Somathilaka dealt with the duties of warranted Commissioners and Lay Members, and the Executive Committee. Chief Commissioner also presented a session on leadership qualities.

In the afternoon, the session was divided into six break-out groups, which were Admin, Training, Cubs, Rovers, Program, and Media. These groups were conducted by the respective department heads. The conference concluded on a very successful note, with participants taking away valuable insights and ideas to further improve the organization’s functioning.

 The conference provided a platform for the ADCs to come together and discuss critical issues, share best practices, and collaborate on ways to achieve the organization’s goals. The Chief Commissioner and other department heads also addressed the gathering, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, dedication, and leadership in achieving success.

The Assistant District Commissioners Conference was an important milestone for the organization, and the successful conclusion of the event has set the tone for future conferences. The gathering proved to be a unique opportunity for the ADCs to gain valuable knowledge and insight into the organization’s functioning and provide inputs and suggestions to further improve its effectiveness.



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