International Scouting
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- International Scouting
What are Better World Framework initiatives?

“SCOUTING is a voluntary, non-political, educational movement for young people; open to all without distinction of origin, race, or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the FOUNDER . . .”
What is International Scouting?
- Scouting is a worldwide Movement with over 40 million Scouts, boys and girls, youth and adults in 216 countries and territories.
- Main Territories: There are 26 Main territories where Scouting exists, often as overseas branches of member Scout organizations.
- Potential Member Countries: There are 29 countries where Scouting exists (be it embryonic or widespread) but where there is no National Scout Organization which is yet a member of the WOSM.
- Countries with No-Scouting: There are 6 countries where Scouting, to WOSM’s knowledge, does not exist; in some it would not be allowed. These countries are:
Andorra Peoples Republic of
China Cuba North Korea
Myanmar Lao People’s Democratic Republic

WOSM Administration
Headquarters World Scout Bureau: Geneva,
Switzerland Secretary General’s Office:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Country Worldwide
Founded 1922
Founder Robert Baden- Powel
Membership 171 organizations
over 54 million participants (2020)
Secretary General Ahmad Alhendawi
World Scout Craig Turpie
Committee Chairman
The World Scout Conference
- General Assembly of Scouting.
- Highest decision-making body.
- Composed of 6 delegates/votes from each of the member Scout Associations.
- Meets every 3 years and is hosted by a member Scout Association.
- At the Conference, basic cooperative efforts are agreed upon and plan of mutual coordination is adopted.
- The conference directed the move of World Scout Bureau from Ottawa, Canada to Geneva, Switzerland on 1 st May 1968.
World Scout Conferences held
Year | Country | Year | Country | |
1979 | England | 1999 | South Africa | |
1981 | Senagal | 2002 | Greece | |
1983 | USA | 2005 | Tunisia | |
1985 | Germany | 2008 | South Korea | |
1988 | Australia | 2011 | Brazil | |
1989 | France | 2014 | Slovenia | |
1993 | Thailand | 2017 | Azerbaijan | |
1996 | Norway |
World Scout Committee
- The World Scout Committee is the Chief Executive body of the World Scout Conference.
- This committee is composed of elected volunteers, and meets twice a year, usually, in Geneva.
- The Committee is composed of 14 members. 12 each from a different country for 3 year term by the World Scout Conference.
- Each member, if preferred, could stand for 2 consecutive elections, thus serving 6 years.
- The members are elected without regard to their nationality, represent the interests of the movement as a whole, not those of their country or the Region.
- Its Steering Committee, consisting of the Chairman, two Vice-Chairman and the Secretary General, meets as needed.
- The Secretary General and the Treasurer of WOSM are ex-officio members of the Committee.
- The Committee appoints sub-Committees and Task Forces under their purview to assist the Committee in its duties and function. e.g. Program SC, Resources SC, Management SC, Finance SC, Training SC, etc.
The World Scout Bureau
- The World Scout Bureau (WSB) is the secretariat that carries out the instructions of the World Scout Conference and the World Scout Committee.
- The WSB is administered by the Secretary General, who is supported by a small staff of technical resource personnel.
- The staff also helps arrange global events such as the World Scout Jamborees, encourages regional events, and acts as a liaison between the Scouting movement and other international organizations.
The World Scout Bureau – Headquarters
London, England
Ottawa, Canada
Geneva, Switzerland
2014 to date:
Kwalalampur, Malaysia
The World Scout Bureau – 6 Regions in the World
- Africa Region: Nairobi, Kenya
- Arab Region: Cairo, Egypt
- Asia Pacific Region: Manila, Philippines
- Eurasia Region: Kiev, Yalta-Gurzuf, Ukraine
- European Region: Geneva, Switzerland, and Brussels, Belgium
- Inter-American Region: Panama, Panama
WOSM – 3 World Scout Centers
WOSM – 3 World Scout Centers
The WOSM is associated with the 3 World Scout Centers:
Picarquín World Scout Center in Chile
Operated by the Inter-American Region
Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland
Operated by the Scouts International Home Association
Cairo International Scout Center in Egypt
Operated by the Arab Region
WOSM Events
- The World Scout Jamboree is held every 4 years under the auspices of the WOSM, with members of WAGGGS also invited.
- WOSM also organizes the World Scout Moot, a Jamboree for 17-26 year olds, and has organized the World Scout Indaba, a gathering for Scout Leaders.
- The World Scout Foundation is a perpetual fund governed by a separate Board of Governors and supported by donations for the Development of Scouting Programs throughout the world.
Asia-Pacific Scout Region (APR)

- APR has witnessed the births and rebirths of National Scout Organizations (NSO) since the region was founded in 1956.
- Formed with 10 founding members, it grew to 24 Member Countries, 2 Associate Member countries, 11 Potential Member Countries by 2016.
- 8 of the 15 largest Scout Associations in the world are in the Region, Total membership 30 million plus. Asia-Pacific Region has 83% of the World’s Scouting population.
- The APR Scout Committee is the Chief Executive Body of the Asia-Pacific Region and APR Conference, and is composed of elected volunteers.
- The Committee meets twice a year, usually in different countries in the Region.
- The Steering Committee consisting of the Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen and the Regional Director, meet as needed.
- The Committee is composed of 11 members. Including the YAMG. (Youth Advisors) From each different county, 5 members are elected for 6 year terms by the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference.
- The members, elected without regard to their nationality, represent the interests of the movement as a whole, not those of their country.
- The Regional Director, Youth Forum Chairman (or Chairperson) and the Treasurer of the Region are exofficio members of the Committee.
- The Committee appoints Sub-Committees and Task Forces under their purview to assist the Committee.
Mr. Janaprith Fernando,
then International Commissioner
Appointed as Chairman,
WOSM Global Support Core Group (2014-2017).
Served until his appointment to the
World Scout Committee in July 2017
Mr. Prabath Kularathne,
then Headquarters Commissioner,
Appointed as 2nd Vice-Chairman,
APR Media & PR Scouting Profile Sub-Committee
Mr. Kapila Kalyana Perera,
Asst. Chief Commissioner,
Appointed as APR Member (2012-2015)