Adults Leaders

Age range – Over 18

Becoming a Scout Leader

Scout Leaders are responsible for helping to devise and deliver programs that support young people in reaching their potential.

Not only do Leaders help youth members develop valuable skills in an environment of responsible risk-taking, but they themselves develop a variety of skills in leadership, project management and event planning.

No prior experience is necessary to become a Scout Leader. All Leaders undergo training on all aspects of youth leadership, program planning, safety and other requirements. They are also given resources of program ideas to help them get started.


Types of Scout Leaders

 Leader roles vary through the Sections, as youth members take more responsibility for their activities as they progress in age. Types of Leaders include:
  • Group Masters – responsible for leading and promoting the Scout Group in the local community and ensuring it operates in accordance with the Policies and Rules and administrative practices of the Association
  • Scout Master (Sigithi Scout, Cub Scout, Junior Scout, Senior Scout and Rover Scout) – responsible for the planning and running of exciting, challenging weekly and weekend programs which attract new members to their Section and retain existing ones, attending and running weekly Group meetings during school terms, attending group activities (e.g. hikes or camping trips), attending monthly Leaders meeting, supervising and providing instruction, assistance and testing of youth members in skills appropriate to the program of the section especially in topics and skills of the Award Scheme
  • Assistant Scout Master – take part in the planning and participate in the running of exciting, challenging weekly and weekend programs which attract new and retain existing members

National Training Divisions

Leaders Training

Training and development of adult volunteers is compulsory to ensure that our Leaders have the necessary skills and knowledge to lead young people and other adults. While Leaders don’t need any prerequisite skills or knowledge prior to joining, they must be prepared to undertake our Leader Training.

As in most National Scout Organisations, Sri Lanka Scouts operates a Wood Badge Training Program as a system for the training and development of all its Adult Leaders. We also operate the Sri Lanka Scout Training Department, a registered training organisation, which offers a wide variety of courses in Leadership, Business, Management and Outdoor Recreation. Through this scheme, your Scouting qualifications can be externally accredited, so they are relevant and recognised in the professional world.