Senior Scouting

Age range – 14 ½ to 18 years

Objectives of Senior Scout Section

To achieve the Personal development of School Children of 14 1/2 – 18 years in physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural educational objectives. To help build admiring nature, reading Scouting for Boys Book, playing games, camping and participating in Explorer and Adventure activities. To build Character using the progressive Badge system of Scout Master’s Award, Group Scout Master’s Award, District Commissioner’s Award, Bushman’s Thong and President’s Award. To bring out the talents through the 52 Senior Scout Proficiency badges and 3 International Badges.


Scout Motto

“Look Wide”


Scout Promise

On my honour, I promise to do my best
To do my duty to my religion and country
To help other people at all times
To obey the Scout law

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout is a brother to every other scout.
A Scout is courageous.
A Scout is kind to animals.
A Scout is cooperative.
A Scout is cheerful.
A Scout is thrifty.
A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.

Uniform & Badges

Senior Scout Awards System

Membership Badge

Scout Award

Chief Commissioners Award

Prime Ministers' Award

President’s Award

Air Scouting

Air Scouts are being trained in aviation and flying-based activities with the support of Sri Lanka Air Force. In addition, Air Scouts follow the same Scouting activities and badge schemes as normal Scouts, Further, Air Scouts under go aeronautical and technical training of aircraft, Design Model Aircraft, Design UAVs, Design quadrocopters, Air Cargo Operation, Aircraft under wing operation and Airport management. Air Scouts have different uniforms from Air Scouts in other countries.

Senior Air Scout Uniform

Sea Scouting

Records say that Sea Scouting has been in operation in Sri Lanka since 1932. Sri Lanka Navy provides the resources, facilities and training on sea activities at the request of the Scout Leaders through the District Commissioner. SLSA organizes orientation programs and workshops for Sea Scouts and prospective Leaders, with the support of Sri Lanka Navy when need arises. They undergo special training on navigation, sailing, technical part on boat mechanisms, etc. Sea Scouts are following similar badge and activity schemes as scouts but with a special emphasis on sailing, canoeing, boating and water-based activities in the sea, rivers or lakes.

Junior Sea Scout uniform

NEW President’s Scout Award Application

From today, 8 April 2023, all applicants for the President Scout Award should submit duly filled NEW PSA APPLICATIONS (shown above) as per the new syllabus. Please use original computer printouts of the application, & should not use any photocopies.  Old President Award Applications will not be accepted from this date onwards.