Jun 15, 2024Uncategorised

A Bon Voyage Ceremony was held on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at the National Scout Headquarters to handover the flag to the two contingents touring Malaysia and Bangladesh.

The Contingent to Malaysia is lead by Chief Commissioner of Sri Lanka Association Attorney at Law Mr. Janaprith Fernando along with District and Headquarters Commissioners totalling 54.

They will have the District Commissioners Conference from 19th to 24June with several workshops that has been planned with Malaysian Authorities. This will be a capacity building event and will give them a good experience which will helpful for their work in Sri Lanka.

The Contingent of five to Bangladesh is led by Rover Scout Hansith Peiris to attend the Youth leadership Training program organized by the Asia Pacific Region of the world Organisation of the Scout Movement.

The Welcome Address was delivered by the Chief Commissioner and explained the purpose of the workshop and also referred to the close ties with Malaysia and Bangladesh.

The Chief Guests for the occasion were High Commissioners of Malaysia and Bangladesh His Excellency Badli Hisham Adam and His Excellency Tareq Mohd. Ariful Islam.

The Malaysian High Commissioner said the visit will help to widen the knowledge and give them a good experience and build a network.

The Bangladesh High Commissioner in his address said that he has had very close ties with Sri Lanka Scout Association and been able to jointly organize several events and thanked the Sri Lanka Scout Association.

The Vote of Thanks was deli ered by Deputy Chief Commissioner Mr. M F.S. Muheed.


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